Waypoints Artist Intro: Masumi Noda
As we come to the end of 2023, we’re currently working on the final Waypoints manga of the year — a Christmas story we’re releasing online on December 14. Today, I want to introduce you to the artist for this story, a new collaborator, Masumi Noda. Masumi Noda is a Japanese artist who studied...
Waypoints Artist Intro: Igor Cicarini
One thing we’re grateful for at Drawbridge Creations is the wealth of talent we’ve been privileged to work with on our current manga project Waypoints. Besides myself, five artists have illustrated our stories, helping us to create 16 short manga so far. Every artist has brought something...
Face to Face
The past couple of years, Covid-19 has limited our in-person interactions with the missionary and church communities here in Japan. Many events were cancelled or online only. On the one hand, this gave us plenty of time to focus on creating manga and building our online presence. On the other, it...
Empowering Christian Artists
This is the third post in a blog series re-introducing our ministry. Parts one and two are HERE and HERE. As we shared before, the vision of Drawbridge is to use manga to... To reach the unchurched, resource the Church, and empower Christian artists, in order to bridge the gap between Church and...
Reaching and Resourcing
In a previous blog post, I reintroduced Drawbridge Creations, talking about why we’re working to reach Japan and why we’re using manga to do it. As a follow-up, in this post and the next I want to revisit our vision statement and talk about some of our goals, hopes and dreams. Our vision is: To...
Video Interview with two of our Collaborators This video features comments from two of the artists who collaborated with us on our manga project Waypoints: Tomi Yoshikwa and Masiu. If you saw the videos of them on the Waypoints blog, this video is different. In it, we ask them about their journeys as Christian...
(Re)Introducing Drawbridge Creations
Welcome (back?) to! We’ve been making lots of new connections lately, so for those who might be new to our ministry, or those who haven’t been here in for a while, here’s a brief (re)introduction to Drawbridge Creations, brought to you in convenient question and answer...
Cross-Cultural Opportunities for Christian Creatives
Drawbridge Creations is looking to expand our team! As we approach the one-year mark since launching our ministry with our first project, Waypoints, we have a lot to thank God for — our financial and prayer partners, the freelance artists we get to collaborate with, the amount of content we’ve...
Waypoints Season Two is Here!
Waypoints is an online manga series, featuring short stories inspired by the Gospels — stories of lives changed by encounters with Jesus. During our first season, eight manga were serialized over the course of eight months, each story told from a unique point-of-view, each story illustrated by one...
Waypoints Artist Intro — Tomi Yoshikawa
Waypoints season two starts on May 6! Introducing our latest collaborator, who will be illustrating one of our upcoming manga: Tomi Yoshikawa is an international illustrator and designer based here in Japan, who has also published work under the pen name Tomi Kichi. Tomi comes from...