Welcome (back?) to DrawbridgeCreations.com! We’ve been making lots of new connections lately, so for those who might be new to our ministry, or those who haven’t been here in for a while, here’s a brief (re)introduction to Drawbridge Creations, brought to you in convenient question and answer form! But first, check out our new promo video…
Why Japan?
Why does Japan need missionaries? Why does Japan need this kind of ministry? Well, Japan may be a beautiful country that’s materially and culturally rich, but from a Christian point of view it is a spiritually needy nation. In fact, less than 1% of Japanese people call themselves Christians, making them one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. And sadly it’s a culture where many people feel a lot of family, job-related and social pressure, which may be why Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
Japan needs hope! This is why we’re working to reach Japan with the hope we find in Jesus Christ.
Why Manga?
Many people outside of Japan are familiar with manga now, as it is one of Japan’s biggest pop culture exports and has a huge following all around the world. Manga is the Japanese word for comics, and of course they are big part of popular culture in Japan, as well as a huge industry. Much more so than the equivalent industries abroad.

To put it in perspective, in one week Japan buys more comics than the US does in an entire year! And of course more and more manga is being read digitally now as well.
So with Drawbridge Creations we’re embracing this art form and making use of the internet as tools for building spiritual bridges in Japan.
What is Waypoints?
Waypoints is our first project. We launched this online manga series in August 2021. As of this writing, we have serialized 14 stories on the Waypoints website so far, with more on the way (about once a month). This series features short stories taken from Gospels, each told from the point of view of a character who has had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, each one illustrated by a different artist.

We’re writing these stories with a non-Christian audience in mind, and praying that God will use these manga to open readers’ hearts to the Gospel. We’re also encouraging Japanese Christians to use this website as a tool to share their faith. This series is also serializing in English, so if you’re interested, please check it out HERE!
How can I help?
Thanks for asking!
In the not-to-distant future, we hope to move beyond Waypoints to other manga projects. We also hope to move into print publishing. So in order to take things to the next level, we need continuing prayer and financial support. If you’d like to keep up-to-date so you know how to pray, please sign up to receive our newsletters HERE. And if you’re able to help financially, please see our giving info HERE.
Also, while we feel like over the past year or so we’ve really been able to build a good foundation for this ministry, we’re also beginning to sense our limitations. In order to build a strong and effective ministry, we need more workers. So please pray with us that God will help us build our team, and get in touch if you or someone you know might be a good fit. We’re especially hoping for Drawbridge to become a platform for bringing more missionaries to Japan.
Read HERE if you’d like to learn more about opportunities to work with us. And if you’d like to learn more about Drawbridge Creations, please check out our vision comic or peruse our blog or newsletter archives. We really appreciate your interest and support!
Thank you!