2022 is well under way, so it seems like high time to share a little bit about what we’re planning for the year. Most of it involves continuing and expanding what we’ve started with Waypoints, but of course is all related to fulfilling our vision to bridge the gap between Church and culture; between Jesus and Japan.

These are our goals for this year:

  1. Increase Our Readership

Now that our first project, Waypoints, is up and running, we want to focus on growing our audience for this series, especially among non-Christians in Japan. Through word-of-mouth, social media, and perhaps online advertising, we hope that we can get more hits on the site and eyes on our manga. This is all about fulfilling our purpose to reach unchurched people and point them to Jesus!

  1. Build Our Network

We want to get more buy-in from the church and missionary community in Japan, so that they’ll make good use of this project as an outreach resource. This is all about fulfilling the second part of our vision to resource the Church, which we believe will ultimately result in more people hearing the Gospel.

  1. Expand Our Team

This last goal is closely related to the first two, in that currently we have a very small team. If we can get some help with website maintenance, social media, graphic design, etc, it will allow us to grow our audience and network without spreading ourselves too thin. Of course we also want to bring in more artists, so that we can fulfill the third part of our vision, which is to empower Christian artists.

Please pray that God will help us find the right people, and if you know or someone you know would like to get involved, please let us know! Thank you, and happy 2022 to you!