Waypoints Launches!

Drawbridge Creations is finally officially launching our online manga outreach ministry! Praise the Lord! That’s right — our first project, Waypoints, is now online! Check out waypoints.jp to read our first story, “Not Alone.” Thank you for your interest,...

Introducing: “Waypoints”

The countdown has finally officially begun at waypoints.jp! “Waypoints” is the name of our first manga project. What’s it all about? First, let me remind you about the vision for Drawbridge Creations, so you can see how this first project fits into that vision....

Artist Intro: Robin White

This is the first in a series of posts I’d like to do introducing our potential collaborators…  And what better person to start with than… MYSELF? Many of you may know me as a church or ministry connection, but not be familiar with my creative work, other than...

Unpacking the Vision Statement

Today I want to unpack our vision statement, focusing not so much on the WHAT and WHY but the HOW. As a reminder, here’s what our vision statement states: “Drawbridge creations is a web-based manga outreach with the three-fold purpose of reaching the unchurched,...

Drawbridge Creations: What’s in a Name?

I’ve been a missionary in Japan for over 12 years. And I’ve come to see my role, at least in part, as being a spiritual bridge builder. In a country with so few Christians, there is a pretty big gap between the Church and the culture. Local churches and pastors find...