Drawbridge Goals for 2022

Drawbridge Goals for 2022

2022 is well under way, so it seems like high time to share a little bit about what we’re planning for the year. Most of it involves continuing and expanding what we’ve started with Waypoints, but of course is all related to fulfilling our vision to bridge the gap...

New Year’s Drawbridge Dispatch

Note: This is the latest Drawbridge Dispatch — our periodic update for prayer partners. We don’t always post these to the blog, so if you’d like to receive these updates by email, please click HERE to sign up! Now, on with the update… Hi...

Drawbridge Creations Video Update – Fall 2021

Thank you for being a part of our ministry through your prayers and giving! Please take two minutes to watch this short video for an important update on Drawbridge Creations. As we said in the video, we are hoping to raise the rest of our project fund before the end...

Waypoints Artist Intros 5 — Masiu

This is the fifth entry in a series of blog posts introducing the cartoonists who are collaborating with us on our online manga series Waypoints. Here’s another collaborator… Masiu is Japanese. She grew up with watching the anime of Studio Ghibli and the TV series...

Waypoints Artist Intros 4 — Youmin Park

Youmin Park was born in Korea but lived in South Africa for a decade while graduating high school and getting her BA in Information Design at the University of Pretoria. She has completed several freelance illustration & design commissions, including independent...